Gramercy Review is a literary magazine based in New York City. Online issues are published quarterly in January, April, July, and October. We are open year-round for submissions with deadlines to help our editors manage reading cycles.

We are happy to read simultaneous submissions. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw your Gramercy Review submission. 

At this time, Gramercy Review is unable to pay contributors.

We do not consider work that has been previously published.

Ends on $5.00

Gramercy Review is a literary magazine based in New York City. We welcome original, unpublished poetry by poets in all stages of their writing careers.


Submit up to 3 poems of any style or form in one Word document.

We also welcome works in translation.

We are happy to read simultaneous submissions. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw your Gramercy Review submission.

Ends on $5.00

Gramercy Review is a literary magazine based in New York City. We are open to most styles and approaches and appreciate stories that are in ways vivid, striking, penetrating, and thought-provoking.


The editors welcome short stories, flash fiction or short-shorts. If you have a novel or book-length work, please make an excerpt of a section that stands well by itself. We also welcome works in translation.

If flash fiction or short-shorts, you may submit up to 3 pieces at once. Place all your work in one document.

We do not publish genre fiction such as mystery, crime, science fiction, fantasy, romance.

We are happy to read simultaneous submissions. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw your Gramercy Review submission.

Ends on $5.00

Gramercy Review is a literary magazine based in New York City.


In creative nonfiction, our editors welcome a wide range of work from traditional essays to experimental subjects and forms: creative non-fiction, memoir, biography, autobiography, etc. We look for pieces that grip us and tell a compelling story.

We do not consider academic papers that are limited to a particular audience or that are footnoted/in-text referenced.

We are happy to read simultaneous submissions. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw your Gramercy Review submission.